Ceļojošā izstāde “Mūsu uzņēmumi veido nākotni” oktobrī skatāma pašā Rīgas sirdī - Rātsnamā
Notekūdeņu pārvēršana enerģijā, automātiska ravēšana, robotizēta vēja turbīnu apkopšana, ādas tipu noteikšana ar mākslīgo intelektu un virkne citu Latvijā radītu tehnoloģiju ir daļa no izstādes “Mūsu uzņēmumi veido nākotni”, kas tagad līdz 27.
oktobrim apskatāma Rīgas rātsnamā.
Izstāde "Mūsu uzņēmumi veido nākotni" turpina ceļot un patreiz skatāma Latvijas Bankas darbiniekiem
Septembris nāk ar jaunu lokāciju mūsu ceļojošajai izstādei “Mūsu uzņēmumi veido nākotni”! Tā skatāma Latvijas Banka telpās, K.Valdemāra ielā 1B, Rīgā.
Our board member Matiss Neimanis participated at the Community Forum at Startup House Riga
Matīss Neimanis talked about LVCA, Baltic investors and some success stories within the industry.
Apsveicam ALTUM 5.paaudzes pirmssēklas un sēklas kapitāla fondu pārvaldnieku atlases konkursa uzvarētājus!
Attīstības finanšu institūcijas “Altum” publiskajā pirmssēklas un sēklas stadijas iespējkapitāla fondu pārvaldnieku atlases iepirkumā tiesības slēgt līgumu piešķirtas trīs fondu pārvaldniekiem: “”, “Vntrs Consulting” un “Buildit”.
Izstāde 'Mūsu uzņēmumi veido nākotni' šobrīd skatāma Verdē!
Izstāde līdz 2.jūlijam skatāma biroju kompleksa VERDE 0. stāva lobijā
LVCA organises training for Latvian AIF managers on ESG issues
Happy to share that with knowledge of PwC Latvija experts and financial support of Ekonomikas ministrija/ Ministry of Economics we will provide training for Latvian alternative investment funds (AIF) managers on ESG issues.

Izstāde "Mūsu uzņēmumi veido nākotni"
LVCA sadarbībā ar ALTUM ir izveidojusi pārvietojamu izstādi “Mūsu uzņēmumi veido nākotni”. Izstādē apkopoti deviņu Latvijā dzimušu un ar Latvijas iespējkapitāla fondu palīdzību attīstītu uzņēmumu iedvesmas stāsti.
Baltic PE/VC Market Overview 2023 is now available!
The report has been prepared by the Baltic VCAs and KPMG Baltics for the 5th time, but his year’s report marks the achievement of an important milestone as the total number of active funds reported surpasses 100 for the first time in the reports' history.
Launch of the Baltic PE/VC Market Overview 2023!
Please join us for the exclusive launch of the Baltic PE/VC Market Overview 2023! The report features an insight into FUNDRAISING, INVESTMENTS, DIVESTMENTS, ESG, and much more from around 100 active PE/VC investors in the Baltics! Thanks so much to all our members for contributing to the report with data and insights!
Winners of the Investor of the Year 2023 awards
On April 19, 2024, LatBAN and Latvian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (LVCA) organized the annual ceremony "Gada Investors 2023"
Izziņoti visi "Gada investors 2023" nominanti!
Pasākuma “Gada investors 2023” laikā tiks apbalvoti pērnā gada nozīmīgākie investīciju projekti Latvijā deviņās nominācijās. Apbalvojumi tiks pasniegti investīciju projektiem, ko veikuši privātie un institucionālie investori, kā arī finanšu un juridiskajiem konsultantiem par šo darījumu konsultēšanu. "Gada investors 2023" tiek rīkots sadarbībā ar Ekonomikas ministriju, investīciju banku "Signet Bank", Rīgas investīciju un tūrisma aģentūru un “Attīstības finanšu institūciju ALTUM””.
SSE Riga x LVCA launching a new course "Introduction to Private Equity and Venture Capital"
We are very honoured to announce that this spring we are launching a course "Introduction to Private Equity and Venture Capital" - created in cooperation between Rīgas Ekonomikas augstskola - Stockholm School of Economics in Riga and LVCA.
It will consist of 7 lectures during which SSE Riga students as well as our Association members will be given the opportunity to gain, learn and structure knowledge about the industry.
Izsludināta pieteikšanās apbalvojumam “Gada investors 2023”
Latvijas Biznesa Eņģeļu Tīkls (LatBAN) un Latvijas Privātā un Iespējkapitāla asociācija (LVCA) izsludina pieteikšanos apbalvojumam “Gada investors 2023” par aizvadītā gada nozīmīgākajām investīcijām Latvijā. Apbalvojumam līdz 12.martam var pieteikt investīcijas, ko veikuši privātie investori (komerceņģeļi), juridiskie un institucionālie investori, kā arī finanšu un juridiskos konsultantus par šo darījumu konsultēšanu.
Pieejams vebināra ieraksts par Blue Bridge Technologies
Vebinārā iespējams uzzināt par to, kā Blue Bridge Technologies kļūt par Latvijas medicīnas nozarē vadošo programmatūras izstrādātāju.
Blue Bridge Technologies ir jaunuzņēmums, kas saņēma Imprimatur sēklas fonda atbalstu un vēlāk attīstīts ar Imprimatur un BaltCap kopīgiem spēkiem. 2022.gadā šo - toreiz jau Latvijas medicīnas nozarē vadošo programmatūras izstrādātāju - iegādājās Everfield.
Livonia Partners announces strategic investment in leading UC&C technology provider Wildix
Livonia Partners is excited to announce its investment in Estonian-headquartered Wildix, a pioneer in Unified Communications & Collaboration (UC&C) technology and the only European UCaaS vendor recognized in the Gartner Magic Quadrant. This funding, a first of its kind from an external investor for Wildix, signals a significant leap forward for Wildix.
Livonia Partners invests in Digital Mind to jointly acquire the leading Polish Microsoft Dynamics partner EIP Dynamics
Livonia Partners will invest in Digital Mind AS, a business process digitalization specialist for large and mid-sized organizations in the Baltic states, to facilitate the acquisition of 100% shares of EIP Dynamics Sp. z o.o, a prominent Microsoft Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution provider in Poland serving some of the largest companies in the country and internationally.
FlyCap aizdevums veicinās Latvijas jaunuzņēma Supliful attīstību
Latvijas jaunuzņēmums "Supliful", kas nodarbojas ar kosmētikas, uztura bagātinātāju un pakotās pārtikas produktu ražošanu un piegādi pēc pasūtījuma, vienojies, ka iespējkapitālfonds "FlyCap" izsniegs tam mezanīna aizdevumu līdz diviem miljoniem eiro.
BaltCap launches €200 million successor infrastructure fund
BaltCap, the largest private equity fund manager in the Baltics, held the first closing of its €200 million target BaltCap Infrastructure Fund II (BInF II). The 20-year successor fund aims to contribute to increasing the resilience of the region with a focus on renewable energy generation, energy demand reduction, and social as well as transport infrastructure investments in the Baltics and Poland. The fund is an Article 9 fund under the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation.
'FlyCap' piešķir 1,5 miljonu eiro aizdevumu 'Energokomplekss' grupai
Enerģētikas nozares uzņēmums "Energokomplekss grupa" ir saņēmis 1,5 miljonu eiro mezanīna aizdevumu krājumu un apgrozāmo līdzekļu finansēšanai no izaugsmes kapitāla fonda "FlyCap Mezzanine Fund II AIF KS".
Pieejams ALTUM iespējkapitāla apskats
2023. gads ir iezīmējis attīstību vairākos iespējkapitāla nozares virzienos – papildus esošo 4. paaudzes fondu apguvei, ir notikusi nozīmīga virzība 5. paaudzes un IPO fondu programmās
NCH Baltics Opportunity Fund I AIF Acquires Warehouse Complex on Ganību Dambis 25d for 2.6 Million Euros
NCH Baltics AIFP, the fund manager for the NCH Baltics Opportunity Fund I AIF (the “Fund"), announces the acquisition of its second property – a warehouse and office complex on Ganibu Dambis 25d in Riga, Latvia.
Two solar power plants in Valmiera and Saldus backed by AJP Capital and BaltCap completed
In August this year, finishing works in the construction of two solar power plants in Valmiera and Saldus regions, developed by the energy group AJ Power and backed by AJP Capital and BaltCap, were completed. The combined capacity of the two solar parks exceeds 11 MW, which will generate more than 10,000 MWh of green electricity for households and industrial enterprises per year. Both power plants have already been successfully connected to the unified electricity grid and the first month's results show high productivity rates.
BaltCap and Draugiem Capital become majority shareholders of IGLU brand developer Pepi Rer
BaltCap, the largest private equity fund manager in the Baltics, and investment company Draugiem Capital invest in Latvia-based multi-sector production company SIA Pepi Rer to boost the global expansion of the business. Pepi Rer is widely known for its soft play brand IGLU, floor insulation brand ProVent, as well as the production of construction and packaging materials. After the transaction, BaltCap and Draugiem Capital will become the majority shareholders of the company.
BaltCap completes the first take-private transaction by a Baltic investor on the London Stock Exchange by acquiring Xpediator
BaltCap, the largest private equity fund manager in the Baltics, with co-investors, acquired Xpediator, a fast-growing international freight management company, after a successful bid made in April. Xpediator provides freight-forwarding, logistics, and transport support solutions in the CEE and the UK under the Delamode brand. The consortium aims to further boost the company’s core freight-forwarding offers in Europe and internationally, as well as develop UK-based businesses.
Raidierakstā 'Mediāna': Kāda ir valsts kapitāla sabiedrību un lielo uzņēmumu loma iespējkapitālā?
Sezonas pēdējā raidieraksta 'Mediāna' epizodē - saruna ar Korporatīvās attīstības direktoru Krists Avots.
2022 Central and Eastern Europe Private Equity Statistics report is published
This report was compiled with the help of Invest Europe’s Central and Eastern Europe Task Force. It provides annual activity statistics for the private equity and venture capital markets of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in 2022 and prior years.
Iznākusi raidieraksta 'Mediāna' epizode par fondu finansējumu
Šonedēļ ir iznākusi jaunā raidieraksta 'Mediāna' epizode, kurā Kristaps Petersons sarunājas ar ALTUM valdes locekli Ieva Jansone-Buka par fondu finansējumu.
Baltic Private Equity and Venture Capital Market Overview 2022 has been published
Baltic Private Equity and Venture Capital Market Overview 2022 has been published.
This is a result of collaboration between Estonian Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (EstVCA), Latvian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (LVCA), Lithuanian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association and KPMG Baltics for the 4th consecutive year.
LVCA elects the new Board
This week members of LVCA have elected the new Board.
Insurer Balcia invests 1 million euros in the Merito Partners investment fund
The insurance technology company Balcia has invested 1 million euros in Merito
Sustainable Energy FUND I, an investment fund managed by Merito Partners (Merito) to
develop nine solar power plants across Latvia. Balcia has previously also invested in
renewable energy sector.
Merito Partners will invest 50 million euro in the development of ten solar power plants in Latvia
In order to increase Latvia's energy independence and the availability of green energy, the investment company Merito Partners (Merito) will invest 50 million euro and build ten new solar power plants (SPPs) in Latvia’s regions in the next two years. It is planned that at least eight SPPs with a total capacity of 55 MW will be operational by the end of this year.
The self-service start-up TapBox has attracted investment from Merito Partners
The private equity fund of the Latvian investment company Merito Partners, founded last year, has made an investment in the self-service solution company TapBox, providing flexible growth capital for the development of the existing product and entry into new markets.
Saruna ar Ernestu Bordānu par iespējkapitālu raidierakstā 'Mediāna'
Altum sadarbībā ar Latvian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (LVCA) iepazīstina ar jauno raidījuma Mediānas rubriku - “Iespējkapitāls”. Jaunākajā epizode skatāma saruna ar Ernestu Bordānu no Livonia Partners.
Baltic Private M&A Deal Points Study 2022 is out now
The seventh edition of “Baltic Private M&A Deal Points Study” has been published. The report gives a detailed overview of the Baltic mergers and acquisitions (M&A) market in comparison with previous periods.
BaltCap to develop a €22 million Police Headquarters PPP project in Lithuania
BaltCap, the largest private equity firm in the Baltics, and the Police Department of Lithuania have signed a contract to design, build, finance and operate the new County Police Headquarters in Šiauliai, Lithuania. Total value of the signed public-private partnership (PPP) agreement is €21.9 million. BaltCap’s project company Safe Community takes on the task to complete the development of the new headquarters within 3 years and to provide facility maintenance and operation services for another 12 years.
Livonia Partners exits Hortes
Hortes was sold to OU Hemm Arendus, controlled by Hortes management. The transaction also involved an investment of new funds into Hortes, allowing the company’s management to pursue their vision for further developing the concept of Hortes in Estonia.
BaltCap enters the Latvian social and healthcare sector
BaltCap Private Equity Fund III (BPEF III), through its subsidiary Adoro, has signed an agreement to acquire the assets of Dzives Abece, a social care center in Latvia. With the investment, BaltCap aims to diversify the range of high-quality care services in Latvia for seniors and other client groups, such as post-treatment rehabilitation and dementia patients. Uldis Prieditis, a seasoned management professional, will serve as Adoro’s CEO.
EIF Venture Capital Survey 2022
Market sentiment and impact of the current geopolitical & macroeconomic environment
Throwback to Baltic VCA Summit 2022
This year the annual summit took place in Riga, Latvia. The theme was 'Cruising Through Rough Waters' - indicating the turbulent time that we currently live in and exploring how to get through different challenges - political instabilities, energy crisis, inflation and others. We were welcomed in the beautifully renovated museum-like Nordeki Manor where participants had a chance to engage in various activities throughout the day - listening to discussion, exploring industry news from experts, meeting each other, networking, enjoying lunch in the garden and most importantly - celebrate being in-person after the long period of Covid and lockdowns.
NCH’s Newly Formed Real Estate Fund Acquires its First Property
The alternative investment fund NCH Baltics Opportunity Fund I AIF has purchased its first industrial property for approx. 2.5 million euros in Riga, Buļļu Street 51b.
BaltCap to acquire Alma Littera Group, the leading publishing house & omnichannel book retailer in the Baltics
BaltCap Private Equity Fund III (BPEF III) signed an agreement to acquire Alma Littera publishing house, Pegasas bookstores, and related group companies to further back the growth of the largest publishing house & omnichannel book retailer in the Baltics. The current management team will continue with the company. The transaction is subject to competition clearance.
Livonia Partners closes second buy-out fund above target at €157 million
Rīga, Tallinn, and Vilnius, 8 September 2022;
Livonia Partners has raised €157 million for its second fund, cementing its position as a
leading private equity investor in the Baltic region.
Private equity and venture capital industry experts will meet in Riga on the 25th and 26th of
August at the Baltic VCA Summit to discuss cooperation opportunities, the latest trends in private
equity and venture capital markets, share experiences in investing and raising capital, as well as
discuss the challenges and opportunities that arise from the current turbulent geopolitical and
financial circumstances.
BaltCap sells Vendon to international technology group Azkoyen
BaltCap, the largest private equity and venture capital investor in the Baltics, sells Latvian company Vendon SIA to Azkoyen, Spain’s the most remarkable technology multinational company. Vendon SIA is part of Draugiem Group and is a leading company in connectivity and IoT solutions in digital payment and telemetry in Central Europe.
2021 Central and Eastern Europe Private Equity Statistics
Take a closer look at Baltic states from Venture Capital and Private Equity investments point of view:
- Baltic region received 21,4% of the total investment value in CEE in 2021.
- Estonia was the absolute leader in Private equity investments as a percentage of GDP with 1,574% from GDP, overrunning even Norway and the UK.
- Lithuania and Latvia were between leaders from the point of the divestments in 2018-2021.
You can find much more information in The Central and Eastern Europe Private Equity report, presented by Invest Europe.
The Performance of European Private Equity Benchmark Report 2021
Invest Europe’s research delves deep into private equity performance. Our 2021 sample, provided by Cambridge Associates, includes 718 European Buy-Out, Growth, and Venture Capital funds, an increase of 47 from the 2020 sample. The report also compares European funds with international peers. On many measures, European private equity performs at least on a par with North American funds, and well ahead of funds from the rest of the world.
BaltCap and Nalka sell INTRAC to United Partners Investments
BaltCap Baltic Investment Fund III sells INTRAC Group, a leading distributor of machinery for forestry, construction, agriculture and industry in the Baltics, to United Partners Investments (UPI), a Baltic investment company. As a result of the transaction, UPI will acquire 100% of INTRAC Group, including shares of Nalka Invest and minority shareholders.
BaltCap sells Uprent to Renta, the fastest growing Nordic equipment rental company
BaltCap Private Equity Fund II (BPEF II) signed an agreement to sell SIA Uprent Group – a leading specialized pumping company providing dewatering and bypassing solutions in the Baltics and Poland – to Renta Group Oy. Renta Group is a Finnish construction machinery and equipment rental company with over 100 depots and 1,000 employees in Scandinavia and Europe. BaltCap will sell Uprent Group together with its minority shareholders. Renta Group will acquire 100% of the company.
Baltic Private Equity and Venture Capital Market Overview 2021
Already for the third year in a row we are glad to present to you the annual summary of the Baltic market trends - Baltic Private Equity and Venture Capital Market Overview 2021! It is a result of a collaboration between all the Baltic VCA's and Deloitte and we are happy to finally share it with you. Full report and the webinar recording available from now on.
BaltCap Infrastructure Fund starts the construction of EUR 42 million wind farm
BaltCap Infrastructure Fund starts the construction of a EUR 42 million wind farm project in Lithuania. Six wind turbines with a total capacity of 30 MW will be installed in the Žvirgždaičiai, Šakiai district. The project will be financed by the fund’s investment of EUR 15 million, and a credit of EUR 27 million will be provided by Luminor bank.
LVCA is looking for a part-time Assistant
LVCA is looking for a part-time Assistant who will work together with the Executive Director and the Board of the Association. This is a unique position that would provide a possibility to learn about Venture Capital and Private Equity industry in Latvia and the wider region and to participate in the development of the industry’s ecosystem.
BaltCap invests in a global leader in internet privacy and security solutions
BaltCap together with lead investor Novator Ventures, General Catalyst and Burda Principal Investments participated in the $100M financing round to Nord Security, a global leader in internet privacy and security solutions, to expand the company’s product suite and enterprise footprint and accelerate the growth of its consumer cybersecurity segment.
Winners of the Investor of the Year 2021 awards
The winners of the Investor of the Year'21 awards jointly organized by LVCA and LatBAN were announced on March 31. The main Investment of the Year award in the legal and institutional investor category was awarded to Bregal Sagemount for its investment in Printful, which enabled the company to reach a valuation of $1 billion and thus become the first unicorn in Latvia. Ģirts Līcis, Kārlis Cerbulis and Uldis Cērps won the Investment of the Year award in the business angel category for their joint investment in the new company WeedBot, which develops agricultural robots for the British market. The Growth Award went to Lokalise.
BaltCap enters the pet care market to boost Pan-Baltic growth of the sector
BaltCap Growth Fund, together with I Asset Management, a Lithuanian private equity firm, entered the veterinary market by investing in Dr. VET, which operates five veterinary clinics in Vilnius. IAM Petcare Growth Fund acquired 65% of the shares of Vet Ventures, a holding company of the clinics, BaltCap Growth Fund's stake is 35%. New owners seek growth through organic expansion opportunities and further acquisition targets in the Baltics and neighboring countries.
LVCA valdes loceklis Edgars Pīgoznis ievēlēts LDDK vadībā
Latvijas Darba devēju konfederācijas ikgadējā biedru sapulcē 18.martā tika pārvēlēta LDDK padome. Apsveicam LDDK ar jaunu padomi un priecājamies, ka LVCA valdes loceklis Edgars Pīgoznis saskaņā ar sapulces lēmumu ievēlēts par vienu no LDDK viceprezidentiem.
Noskaidroti nominanti apbalvojumam par 2021. gada Latvijas nozīmīgākajām investīcijām
Latvijas Biznesa Eņģeļu Tīkls (LatBAN) un Latvijas Privātā un riska kapitāla asociācija (LVCA) noteikuši nominantus apbalvojumam “Gada investors 2021” par pērnā gada Latvijas nozīmīgākajām investīcijām industrijā. Uz apbalvojumu pretendē gan privātie investori (komerceņģeļi), gan juridiskie un institucionālie investori, gan privātā un riska kapitāla darījumu konsultanti.
Finnish networking reception in collaboration with TechChil
Finnish networking reception will be organized in the Embassy of Finland during TechChill 2022 on Thursday, April 28, 17:00-19:00. In addition to Finnish participants, the networking will include selected Latvian startups, LVCA members and management and Norwegian VCs and growth companies part of Oslo Business Region attendees in Techchill.
CBL Asset Management Active Pension Plan makes first foray into VC
CBL Asset Management Active Pension Plan has committed €5m to Change Ventures Fund II.
LVCA statement on the situation in Ukraine
The war in Ukraine is the greatest tragedy since World War II. We at the Latvian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (LVCA) stand with all Ukrainians and call for an immediate stop to the aggression.
Investori aicināti pieteikties apbalvojumam “Gada investors 2021”
LVCA un LatBAN un izsludina pieteikšanos apbalvojumam “Gada investors 2021” par aizvadītā gada nozīmīgākajām investīcijām Latvijā. Iniciatīva “Gada investors” tika dibināta 2015. gadā, lai veicinātu Latvijas investīciju nozares attīstību, apkopotu investoru paveikto, godinātu investorus un izceltu nozares atbalstītājus, kuri snieguši būtisku ieguldījumu Latvijas investīciju vides un uzņēmējdarbības attīstībā.
SAVE THE DATE: Baltic VCA Summit 2022
There’s no hiking required for our summit, but catching up with our PE/VC colleagues from the Baltics and further afield also promises to open up new horizons.
Join us in Riga and we’ll do exactly that, together, at one of the most anticipated industry events in the region this summer.
So please mark the event in your calendars and plan to attend this August.
BaltCap sells Baltic property manager BPT Real Estate to leading European property house Newsec
BaltCap Private Equity Fund II (BPEF II) sells a 95% majority stake in AS BPT Real Estate, one of the largest property management companies in the Baltics, to Newsec, a leading full-service property house offering property asset management and advisory across Northern Europe. This is the 6th exit of BPEF II.
Livonia Partners invests in Bestair Group and Zave Group
Livonia Partners has made an investment in Bestair Group and Zave Group, which are leading providers of green home climate solutions, operating in B2B and B2C segments in 8 different countries. This is the second investment by Livonia Partners out of its second fund, which aims to invest into companies and opportunities addressing climate change and environmental sustainability.
Poland & CEE Private Equity Conference
On May 10th top industry professionals and asset managers are gathering together for the 8th edition of the Poland & CEE Private Equity Conference. Meet 300+ handpicked attendees including prominent private equity investors across the CEE region, as well as global asset managers and get their groundbreaking perspectives.
BaltCap Infrastructure Fund will finance greenfield biomass CHP construction in Alytus
BaltCap Infrastructure Fund (BInF) is providing a loan of EUR 6 million via its subsidiary Forest Investment to construct a biomass combined heat and power plant in Alytus. The project is being developed by the local company Biovatas. It is planned that the powerplant will start the production of heat and electricity in 2023.
Webinar video recording "Sustainable investments from the perspective of venture and private equity managers"
In the webinar, we covered sustainable investments from the perspective of venture and private equity managers. What is the current and desired practices? Examples to learn from? And what is mandatory in this regard?
Latvijas uzņēmumiem pieejamas vēsturiski lielākās izaugsmes investīcijas gandrīz miljarda eiro apjomā
Tuvāko gadu laikā Latvijas uzņēmumiem pieejamas izaugsmes kapitāla investīcijas aptuveni
850 miljonu eiro apjomā no Latvijā reģistrētajiem privātā un riska kapitāla fondiem un citviet
bāzētiem fondiem ar interesi Baltijas uzņēmumos, informē Latvijas Privātā un Riska un
kapitāla asociācija (LVCA).
Vebinārs: Kā diversificēt savus ieguldījumus ar investīcijām privātā kapitāla fondos?
Private equity jeb privātā kapitāla fondi pēdējās desmitgadēs ir spējuši nodrošināt būtiski augstāku ienesīgumu nekā ieguldījumi publiskajos tirgos*. Pensiju fondi, apdrošināšanas sabiedrības, turīgas privātpersonas (HNWI) ārvalstīs aktīvi izmanto iespējas investēt šādos fondos. Latvijas investori līdz šim maz izmantojuši šo iespēju gan zināšanu, gan pieredzes trūkuma dēļ.
Lai mazinātu šo šķērsli, vebinārā iepazīstināsim ar tipiskākajiem šāda ieguldījuma juridiskajiem aspektiem. Stāstīsim arī par atšķirīgajiem statusiem, kādos iespējams kļūt par investoru privātā kapitāla tirgū. Dalīsimies arī ar European Investment Fund pieredzi ar ieguldījumiem privātā kapitāla fondos, to atdevi un, kā EIF ieguldījumi kalpo kā “drošības zīme” citu investoru piesaistei.
Apmācības "Aktuālais un noderīgais AML un starptautisko sankciju piemērošanā”
Aicinam uz apmācībām "Aktuālais un noderīgais AML un starptautisko sankciju piemērošanā”, kas notiks 23.septembrī no plkst.10:00 - 12:30 attālināti ZOOM platformā.
Labā prakse Riska un Privātā kapitāla jomā. Ieguldījumi ilgtspējīgos aktīvos
Ar prieku aicinām uz vebināru "Labā prakse Riska un Privātā kapitāla jomā. Ieguldījumi ilgtspējīgos aktīvos" 28.10 plkst.14:00-16:00.
Baltic Private Equity and Venture Capital Market Overview 2020
Baltic VCAs and Deloitte are honored to present the Baltic Private Equity and Venture Capital Market Overview 2020, which has been prepared by the parties for the second year running. The report features insights into the Baltic market trends, fundraising, investments, divestments, and much more.
Private equity invests in record 566 CEE companies in 2020
Invest Europe, the association representing Europe’s private equity, venture capital and infrastructure sectors released its 2020 Central and Eastern Europe Private Equity Statistics. The report shows that Private equity firms invested in a record 566 companies in Central and Eastern Europe in 2020, as the industry supported dynamic SMEs and start-ups that will fuel the recovery from the impact of COVID-19 and underpin long-term economic and social development across the region. 2020 was second-best year for VC investment and private equity exits across the region.
Livonia Partners signs an agreement to sell majority stake in Santa Monica Networks to LMT
Livonia Partners and minority shareholders in Santa Monica Networks, the networking and IT security solutions provider in Latvia and Lithuania, signed an agreement to sell their shares in Santa Monica Networks to Latvijas Mobilais Telefons Ltd. (LMT). LMT will become a 100% owner of Santa Monica Networks. Completion of the transaction depends on approvals from the market regulators in Latvia and Lithuania.
Private Equity at Work report
Detailed evidence and analysis of the European private equity industry’s real contribution to employment, in 2019, and job creation, in 2018-19, and the far-reaching impact this has on the people, societies and economies of Europe.
Women in private equity and venture capital in the Baltics 2021
We are happy to see the first-ever report highlighting the most inspiring and successful woman shaping and leading the PE/VC industry in the Baltics!
New Nordic Cooperation Between Finland and Latvia
Recently Finnish Venture Capital Association and LVCA joined forces to create working-level cooperation that for both sides would broaden investments’ geography and bring new opportunities closer.
The next event will be held in autumn; stay tuned.
Baltic Startup Funding Report
Change Ventures Baltic Startup Funding Report is a semi-annual publication of detailed data about funding rounds for startups in the Baltics, including companies with HQs elsewhere but with a dominant base in Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania.
Izaugsmes kapitāls biznesa uzrāvienam: Vigo Health stāsts
Riska kapitāls un biznesa eņģeļi palīdz vērtīgām idejām kļūt par vērtīgiem uzņēmumiem.Latvijā radīts produkts palīdzēs insulta pacientiem visā pasaulē!
Šobrīd uzņēmums Vigo Health Latvija piedāvā personalizētu digitālās terapijas programmu pacientiem, kuri pārcietuši insultu. Uzņēmums ir Commercialization Reactor absolvents.
Kā riska kapitāls palīdz augt uzņēmumiem?
Sonarworks ir Latvijas audio tehnoloģiju uzņēmums, kas izstrādājis unikālu kalibrēšanas ierīci skandām un austiņām, un viņa produktus izmanto pasaules mūzikas superzvaigznes!
Sonarworks veiksmes formula var noderēt arī citu izaugsmei!
Skaties video un uzzini vairāk!
European Women in VC together with Experior VC and Unconventional Ventures have launched “Funding in CEE region report – through the lens of gender diversity and positive impact”.
Please see full report here.
Investing in Europe: Private Equity activity 2020
Invest Europe's new report 'Investing in Europe: 2020 Private Equity Activity' provides with new analyses including first time funds and holding periods by strategy.
The report shows resilient private equity activity in 2020 in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the second highest investment level on record, and fundraising over €100 billion for the third year running.
Investoriem šis gads solās būt pozitīvs
LVCA valdes loceklis Rūdolfs Krese intervijā laikrakstam Diena: "Investoriem šis gads solās būt pozitīvs"
Izaugsmes kapitāla industrija rada iespējas uzņēmumiem augt pat Covid-19 krīzes laikā
Pērnais gads ir atstājis savu nospiedumu visās jomās, arī investīciju vidē. Dažas nozares, it sevišķi tās, kurās dominē klātienes pakalpojumi/preču pārdošana, ir uz izdzīvošanas sliekšņa. Vienlaikus novērojam, ka daudzi uzņēmumi, kuri eksportē, nodrošina attālinātus pakalpojumus vai strādā šādā režīmā, pabeiguši 2020. gadu pat labāk nekā cerēts.
“Nordic-Baltic PE/VC Momentum 2021” virtual conference
On 17 February 2021 the “Nordic-Baltic PE/VC Momentum 2021” virtual conference was held with hours of interesting discussions and topics covered. LVCA chairwoman Kristīne Bērziņa took part in panel ''Nordic-Baltic LP activity - what's the next big leap?"
Izaugsmes kapitāls-iespēja augt pat krīzes laikā
LVCA valdes priekšsēdētājas Kristīnes Bērziņas viedokļa raksts "Izaugsmes kapitāls-iespēja augt pat krīzes laikā" lasāms 23.02 Latvijas Avīze pielikumā Latvijas Bizness.
Kristīne Bērziņa: "Šobrīd ir īstais laiks uzdrošināties, uzmeklēt investoru un ķerties pie drosmīgu ideju īstenošanas."
Noskaidroti Latvijas 2020. gada veiksmīgākie investori
Latvijas Privātā un riska kapitāla asociācija (LVCA) un Latvijas Biznesa Eņģeļu Tīkls (LatBAN) 11. februārī pasniedza “Gada investors 2020” apbalvojumus par aizvadītā gada nozīmīgākajām investīcijām Latvijā. Balvu “Gada investīcija” privāto investoru sektorā saņēma Kārlis Cerbulis par investīciju digitālajā rehabilitācijas programmā pēc insulta “Vigo Health”. Par “Gada investīciju” investīciju fondu un korporatīvo investoru sektorā atzīta “INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund” investīcija vides apsaimniekošanas uzņēmumu grupā “Eco Baltia”.
Aicinām uz Gada Investors 2020 ceremoniju
Aicinām uz Gada Investors 2020 ceremoniju 11.februārī no pl.16:00-18:00.
Nordic-Baltic PE/VC MOMENTUM 2021 conference
The Nordic-Baltic region has been exceedingly successful in building world-class startups, scaleups and ecosystems to support this growth. The Nordic-Baltic PE/VC MOMENTUM 2021 conference takes a step further with regional thought leaders analysing what could be the next chapter for the regions' ecosystem innovation to flourish. Join us for a half-day conference on February 17th, 2021 to discuss the ecosystem development strategies with the largest LP-s, GP-s and other regional key players.
Izsludināta pieteikšanās apbalvojumam “Gada investors 2020”
Latvijas Privātā un riska kapitāla asociācija (LVCA) un Latvijas Biznesa Eņģeļu Tīkls (LatBAN) aicina privātā un juridiskā sektora investorus līdz 18. janvārim pieteikties apbalvojumam “Gada investors 2020” par aizvadītā gada nozīmīgākajām investīcijām Latvijā.
LVCA un LatBAN gada investora noteikšanas iniciatīva kopš 2015. gada veicina investīciju nozares attīstību, apkopo investoru paveikto un izceļ tos nozares atbalstītājus, kuri snieguši nozīmīgu ieguldījumu Latvijas investīciju vides un uzņēmējdarbības attīstībā.
Riska kapitāla investīcijas var piesaistīt jebkurā uzņēmuma attīstības stadijā
Riska kapitāla investīcijas var piesaistīt jebkurā uzņēmuma attīstības stadijā. Ja Jums ir unikāla biznesa ideja, bet nav pietiekamu finansu resursu, lai to realizētu, un nav pat ķīlas aizdevuma saņemšanai, riska kapitāla piesaiste iespējams ir labākais risinājums. Izaugsmes kapitāla investīcijas tiek veiktas visdažādākajās nozarēs, populārākās no tām - B2B, elektronika, IKT un ražošana.
Meklējot ambiciozas idejas un drosmīgas un aizrautīgas komandas
“Neskatoties uz to, cik sarežģīts ir bijis 2020. gads, ekonomika attīstās un esam redzējuši daudzus izcilus un aizraujošus uzņēmumu izaugsmes stāstus. Ir vairākas jaunas biznesa idejas, fondi turpina investēt,” norāda Latvijas Privātā un riska kapitāla asociācijas valdes priekšsēdētāja Kristīne Bērziņa.
Katru dienu 250 tūkstoši kafijas tasītes klientiem Baltijas valstīs. Līdz tādam apjomam ar riska kapitāla fonda BaltCap palīdzību “Coffee Address“ izaudzis trīs gadu laikā.
Uzņēmuma ''Cannelle Bakery'' valdes priekšsēdētājs Ivars Skrebelis par riska kapitāla izmantošanu
Riska kapitāls iegulda ne tikai tehnoloģiju kompānijās. Maizes un miltu konditorijas ražotāja “Cannelle Bakery” pamatbizness ir saldēto izstrādājumu ražošana. Uzņēmuma valdes priekšsēdētājs Ivars Skrebelis atzīst, ka, pateicoties “FlyCap” aizdevumam, izdevās sekmīga plānu īstenošana un 2019. gads bija labākais gads uzņēmuma vēsturē. 2018. un 2019. gadā uzņēmums atgrieza no investora aizņemtos līdzekļus un turpina darbu pie nākotnes attīstības plāniem.
Giraffe360: Tik strauji var augt tikai ar riska kapitāla līdzekļiem
Pasaules vadošo virtuālo tūru tehnoloģiju ražotāja “Giraffe360” finanšu direktors Gints Sloka norāda, ka uzņēmums piedzīvojis jau 3 investīciju kārtas, piesaistot Baltijas fondu kapitālu - “Change Ventures”, “LAUNCHub Ventures”, “Hardware Club” u.c. Pateicoties šim finansējumam, bija iespējama strauja izaugsme - 2019.gadā abonementu skaits 3D skenēšanas kameras pakalpojumam pieaudzis par 800%. Šobrīd “Giraffe360” iet uz desmitkārtīgu izaugsmi.
Uzņēmēja Diena slejā ''Kapitāls riskam vai izaugsmei'' lasi LVCA valdes priekšsēdētājas Kristīnes Bērziņas viedokļrakstu
''...Nozarei ir nepieciešams tā saucamais rebrendings. Terminam «riska kapitāls» jāatrod atbilstošāks jēdziens, kas raksturotu investīciju būtību un iedrošinātu uzņēmējus izmantot šī kapitāla piesaistes priekšrocības. Var likties, ka termina maiņa uz «izaugsmes kapitālu» ir saistīta ar neērtībām, jo nepieciešami labojumi normatīvajā regulējumā, taču tam ir lielāks virsmērķis – iedrošināt uzņēmējus piesaistīt papildu finanses un zināšanas sava biznesa straujākai izaugsmei, kas iegriež arī pozitīvo spirāli Latvijas tautsaimniecībā, radot jaunas darbavietas un papildu nodokļu
HansaMatrix par riska kapitāla nozīmi
Latvijā vadošā elektronikas ražošanas uzņēmuma “HansaMatrix” valdes priekšsēdētājs Ilmārs Osmanis atzīst, ka izveidot un attīstīt elektronikas uzņēmumu bez papildu kapitāla nebūtu iespējams. Katram uzņēmējam konkrētajā ekonomiskajā situācijā jāizvērtē atbilstošākais uzņēmuma finansēšanas veids, nebaidoties arī no riska kapitāla piesaistes. Jāsaprot, ko uzņēmums vēlas darīt un kādas ir tā ambīcijas. Runājot līdzībās, viņš teic, ka “ir jāvēlas – ēst bulciņu vai gabalu no lielas tortes.”
Vebinārs ''Riska kapitāls-neizmantota iespēja uzņēmuma izaugsmei Latvijā''. Video
Noskaties visu vebināru vai arī sev interesējošās daļas.
Latvijas uzņēmumiem pieejamas izaugsmes kapitāla investīcijas 172 miljonu eiro apjomā
Tuvāko gadu laikā Latvijas uzņēmumiem pieejamas izaugsmes kapitāla investīcijas 172 miljonu eiro apjomā no Latvijā reģistrētajiem privātā un riska kapitāla fondiem. Savukārt, skatoties plašāk Baltijas mērogā - tie ir papildu vismaz 300 miljoni eiro, ko uzņēmumi var izmantot straujākai izaugsmei, tā diskusijā “Riska kapitāls - neizmantota iespēja Latvijas uzņēmumu izaugsmei” informēja Latvijas Privātā un Riska un kapitāla asociācija (LVCA).
LVCA vebinārs: Riska kapitāls - neizmantota iespēja Latvijas uzņēmumu izaugsmei
Kāds ir bijis 2020.gads riska kapitāla nozarē un kādas ir 2021.gada perspektīvas Latvijas uzņēmējiem - kādā apjomā un uz kādiem nosacījumiem būs pieejams izaugsmes kapitāla finansējums uzņēmumu straujākai attīstībai.
Kas ir riska kapitāls un kāpēc risks slēpjas tieši tā neizmantošanā? Kā uzņēmēji Latvijā panākuši biznesa izaugsmi ar šāda finansējuma palīdzību.
Diskutēsim par subjektīvām un objektīvām nozares problēmām, tai skaitā, vai jēdziens “riska kapitāls” ir veiksmīgs tulkojums no tā izcelsmes vārda salikuma - “venture capital”.
Vebinārs notiks jau 10.decembrī plkst.14:00-15:30 tiešsaistē.
Change Ventures Baltic Startup Funding Report launched
This week Change Ventures launch new latest initiative — the Change Ventures Baltic Startup Funding Report. Our goal with this report is to bring transparency to a market that is very opaque. Investors spend much of their time investigating potential investment opportunities and managing existing portfolio companies, which includes keeping close track of funding rounds, valuations, traction metrics and much more. The average startup raises every 12–24 months and, in between those times, the founders rightly focus on building a business instead of the details of the funding market. The report published today is our attempt to help Baltic founders overcome some of this information asymmetry.
Baltic-Nordic PE/VC MOMENTUM 2021
The most innovative LP/GP relations conference in Northern Europe with fascinating speakers and topics on private equity and venture capital trends in the Baltic and Nordic region. How's the health of Baltic-Nordic PE/VC market? Overview of regional exits and fundraising. What's the future of the regional LP market like?
Akciju sabiedrība “Attīstības finanšu institūcija Altum” izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto amatu
Uzsākts ALTUM valdes locekļa, kas būs atbildīg par RIska kapitāla jautājumiem, atlases process. Pieteikšanās līdz 20.11.2020.
GP Best Practices from an EIF perspective
We kindly welcome to European Investment Fund led training "GP Best Practices"
H1 2020 European private equity activity: resilient fundraising and investment amid COVID-19 disruption
Invest Europe has released first half data underlining European private equity’s resilient performance during the first six months of 2020, despite the disruption caused by COVID-19.
LVCA valdes loceklis Mārtiņš Bičevskis pasniegs lekciju RTU dizaina fabrikā
Iniciatīvas ''Creative Tuesday'' ietvaros LVCA valdes loceklis pasniegs lekciju RTU dizaina fabrikai par dibinātāju psiholoģiju un uzņēmumu izaugsmi.
LVCA tikšanās ar FKTK
Vakar, 2020. gada 24. septembrī, LVCA biedri tikās ar FKTK padomi sarunās par sektora aktualitātēm. Tikšanās laikā FKTK klāstīja savu redzējumu par privātā un riska kapitāla nozari, savukārt LVCA biedri - privātā un riska kapitāla fondu pārvaldnieki iepazīstināja ar sevi un savas darbības stratēģiju. Papildus diskusijas laikā tika apspriestas esošās nozares regulējuma problēmas.
Kristīne Bērziņa (LVCA chairwoman) named as one of the eight top female startup investors to know in Eastern Europe
We are proud that the chairwoman of LVCA Kristīne Bērziņa ir named as one of the eight top female VC investors to know in Eastern Europe
Private equity invests in record 464 CEE companies in 2019
Investment rises 7% to €2.95bn, VC investment achieves new record.
This report was compiled with the help of Invest Europe’s Central and Eastern Europe Task Force. It provides annual activity statistics for the private equity and venture capital markets of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in 2019 and prior years.
BaltCap portfolio company Coffee Address to acquire Estonian vending and coffee service company 7Kohvipoissi
Coffee Address Holding, a vending and coffee service company in the Baltics operating under the Coffee Address brand is to acquire 7Kohvipoissi.
The first overview of the Baltic Private Equity and Venture Capital market
The first overview of the Baltic Private Equity and Venture Capital market 2010-2019 has been prepared. With the results obtained Deloitte has prepared a market report that provides a detailed analysis of Private Equity and Venture Capital Funds operating in the Baltic States, their capital raised, investments and Divestments.
Thanks to all the funds that participated in the survey and Deloitte for creating the market overview.
Baltics Private Equity and Venture Capital Market Overview 2010-2019
We are pleased to announce that the first Baltic Private Equity survey results for the 2010-2019 are ready. Join us for an in-depth presentation of the report as well as discussion on the situation in PE and VCA markets in all Baltic states!
During the webinar a detailed analysis of the Private Equity and Venture Capital funds that operate in the Baltics, their capital raised, investments and divestments will be presented.
Presentation will be followed by a panel discussion with VCA representatives from Latvia (Normunds Igolnieks), Lithuania (Rokas Peciulaitis) and Estonia (Kristjan Kalda).
Latest updates and advice from LVCA members on how to deal with COVID-19 (Updated 16.04)
LVCA has summarized the latest articles and advices created by members at the ever-changing time of COVID-19 epidemic
Latest updates and advice from LVCA members on how to deal with COVID-19 (Updated 9.04)
LVCA has summarized the latest articles and advices created by members at the ever-changing time of COVID-19 epidemic
Latest updates and advice from LVCA members on how to deal with COVID-19 (Updated 2.04)
LVCA has summarized the latest articles and advices created by members at the ever changing time of COVID-19 epidemic
IPEV Board provides views on estimating fair value at 31 March 2020
The International Private Equity & Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines Board (“the IPEV Board”) today provides special guidance with respect to applying the IPEV Valuation Guidelines when estimating fair value at 31 March 2020.
Currently competition for quality projects in Latvian investment market is very high
Looking at the overall assessment of the Latvian investment market, local venture capital investors appreciate the Latvian business culture, monetary policy and attitude towards investors – these aspects were ranked with the highest ratings. The lowest ratings were assigned to the demographic situation, health system and physical infrastructure in the country. Whereas Latvian tax system, defence policy, education and science policy and the still relatively low production costs have received a moderate assessment.
Investor of the Year '19 award ceremony
On 23 January, most successful investments were honoured in the award ceremony "Investor of the Year '19". "Investment of the Year" award was received by a group of investors "Karma Ventures", "Practica Capital", "SuperAngel", "Imprimatur Capital" and "Revo Capital" for the investment in "Sonarworks". "Callidus Capital" won the award "Financial Adviser of the Year" 2019 and "Legal Adviser of the Year" 2019 award was presented to "COBALT".
Main notes & quotes from the Baltic M&A and Private Equity Forum 2019
A record number – 279 – of leading representatives from private equity and venture capital funds, investment banking, consultants, lawyers, business executives and owners from the Baltic region gathered in Riga for the 10th Baltic-scope forum. The Forum programme offered a variety of insights from industry experts, discussion rounds, battlefield experiences, as well as a broader perspective on the impact of tech developments and emotional leadership on the transaction environment. Check out the Forum highlights!
Baltic M&A and Private Equity Forum 2019
The Baltic M&A and Private Equity Forum 2019 will be held in Riga on 6 November and will open its doors to accommodate representatives from private equity and venture capital funds, investment bankers, advisers and consultants, company managers and shareholders. LVCA will be represented by Chairwoman of Latvian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association Kristīne Bērziņa who will speak on topical issues in the Baltic PE and VC industry during the forum.
LVCA has a new chairwoman Kristine Berzina
We are pleased to inform that the LVCA has a new chairwoman Kristine Berzina. The previous chairman Edgars Pigoznis will now be a representative of LVCA in the United Kingdom.
On the 1st of October the LVCA board elected Kristine Berzina as the new Chairwoman of the Board.
The previous chairman Edgars Pigoznis stepped down to be in charge of representing LVCA in the United Kingdom.
The board members express their fullest gratitude towards Edgars Pigoznis for his long term leadership and valuable contributions to the development and guidance of the Latvian Venture Capital industry.
CEE 2018 Statistics Report Released
Private equity fundraising for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) hit the highest annual level in a decade in 2018 with €1.8 billion, according to new data from Invest Europe. The report was released during the annual Baltic VCA Summit event today in Parnu.
Buyout funds in CEE raised €1.1 billion, while the region’s venture capital funds attracted over €500 million for the second year in a row, reveals Invest Europe’s 2018 Central and Eastern Europe Private Equity Statistics[hyperlink] report.
Private equity investment into companies across CEE reached €2.7 billion in 2018, the second-highest amount ever achieved, following 2017’s record €3.5 billion. The number of companies backed increased by 50% year-on-year to almost 400, also the second-highest level on record. This was driven by a sharp increase in CEE companies supported by venture capital.
The number of private equity and venture capital-backed exits in CEE reached an all-time high of 128 companies divested in 2018. This represented a total value of over €1 billion for the fifth year running, measured at historical investment cost. Poland accounted for over half of this total exit value with €575 million.
European Private Equity Activity 2018 data
Invest Europe has published 2018 investment, fundraising and exit activity data for the European private equity and venture capital industry. The report covers data from over 1,400 PE firms or 89% of the €688bn capital under management on the European market.
French Private Equity Conference
The 4th French Private Equity Conference is a one-day event in Paris on the 1st of February 2019. The conference offers inspirational keynotes, enriching panel discussions, and - most importantly - valuable networking opportunities.
Network and learn from the Nordic and Baltic key players in Venture Capital & Private Equity
As a partner of 0100 Conferences we would like to echo the invitation to the first edition of the Venture Capital & Private Equity conference in Tallinn.
Nordic Private Equity Conference
The 9th Nordic Private Capital Day is a one-day event in Stockholm on the 21st of February 2019. The conference offers inspirational keynotes, enriching panel discussions, and - most importantly - valuable networking opportunities.
Polish & CEE Private Equity Conference
The 6th Polish & CEE Private Equity Conference is a one-day event in Warsaw on the 17th of January 2019. The conference offers inspirational keynotes, enriching panel discussions, and - most importantly - valuable networking opportunities.
Livonia has made a growth investment into Scoro supporting Fred Krieger and his team expand the product in North America and Europe
Business management platform Scoro has closed a $5 million Series A round led by Livonia Partners with participation from existing investors Inventure and Tera Ventures.
BaltCap awarded as the Best Russian & Central and Eastern European Private Equity Fund 2018
We are proud to announce that BaltCap gained an honorable recognition by winning the gold award at the 17th edition of the Private Equity Exchange & Awards Ceremony held on November 21st in Paris. We won the Best Eastern European Award.
Venture Capital & Private Equity conference in Tallinn
As a partner of 0100 Conferences we would like to kindly invite you to the first edition of the Venture Capital & Private Equity conference in Tallinn.
Baltic M&A and Private Equity Awards: nominees announced
On 18 October the winners of the Baltic M&A and Private Equity Awards will be announced as part of the Baltic M&A and Private Equity Forum 2018. This is already the fifth year that we are celebrating the achievements of the Baltic M&A industry. The awards cover three traditional categories: the Baltic M&A Deal of the Year 2018; the Baltic Private Equity/Venture Capital Deal of the Year 2018; and the Outbound Deal from the Baltics 2018 Award. In addition, this year we are presenting an ad hoc category of ‘Baltic Public Offering of the Year 2018’ to mark an exceptionally busy year of public offerings of shares by the Baltic companies.
Caffeine is acquired by Norway’s Reitan Convenience
BaltCap and UAB Keturi Kambariai have entered into an agreement to sell 100% of the leading Baltic coffee shop chain Caffeine to Reitan Convenience. In the Baltics, Reitan Convenience operates the Narvesen, R-kiosk and Lietuvos Spaudos chains of convenience stores and kiosks. The transaction is expected to close after receiving competition clearance. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.
Baltic VC Summit 2018 video released
LVCA was very excited to welcome VC and PE community at the Baltic VC Summit 2018 in Riga! This was the eighth time regional Private Equity and Venture Capital professionals gathered for an annual Summit.
“Baltic M&A Deal Points Study 2018” released
The Baltic mergers and acquisitions (M&A) market is booming and the deals are increasingly becoming truly pan-Baltic, involving targets operating in all three countries, it appears from the recent “Baltic M&A Deal Points Study 2018”. Almost 30% of the Baltic M&A deals completed in 2016-2017 involved targets operating in each of the three Baltic countries, which is almost double as much as in the period 2014-2015.
Livonia Partners invests in commercial refrigeration company FREOR LT
Livonia Partners has agreed to invest in FREOR LT to support the producer of sustainable commercial refrigeration equipment scale and meet growing international demand. Livonia is buying a 33 percent equity stake in FREOR from Accession Mezzanine Capital.
Baltic VC Summit 2018 is approaching!
The key PE & VC event of the Baltics #BalticVCSummit is approaching very quickly!
We still have some tickets for you:)
All the information
Baltic VC Summit Startup and Investor Matchmaking event
The startup investors coming to Baltic VC Summit are kindly invited to join the Startup and Investor Matchmaking event organized by TechChill and on August 24.
Vacuum Technologies Seminar before Baltic VC summit 2018
Invitation to seminar and tours:
Vacuum Coating Technology -
Growing Cluster, Spin-Off and
Start-Up Success Stories
22 August 15:00 – 17:00
A/S Sidrabe
17 Krustpils street
Riga, Latvia
Baltic M&A and Private Equity Forum 2018
The annual Baltic M&A and Private Equity Forum will take place in Tallinn on 18-19 October 2018 at the House of the Blackheads.
Startup Safari, Riga 13 - 14 June
With Startup SAFARI Riga, you will have the chance to get deeper insights of Riga’s startup scene as never before. For the first time, local startup community will open its doors for everyone willing to explore.
LVCA congrats NCH with a successful exit
Kartesia completes its first deal in the Baltics with its investment in GroGlass
BaltCap exits TREV-2
BaltCap sells 75% stake in Estonian leading infrastructure construction company TREV-2 Grupp to Eurovia, a subsidiary of VINCI.
BaltCap exits Runway BPO
BaltCap together with majority shareholder Dasha Group AS sold majority of the shares in Runway BPO to global BPO and customer experience company Webhelp. Runway BPO is multilingual nearshore BPO firm servicing Scandinavian and international customers. Closing of transaction took place in Riga on May 18, 2018
Swiss Private Equity Conference
The Swiss PE Conference is a one-day event taking place the 24th May 2018 in Zurich at the Park Hyatt Hotel. The conference gathers together more than 50 speakers and 250 attendees for a day of unrivaled networking
Baltic VC Summit 2018 in Riga on the 23rd of August
Each summer, at the end of August, Baltic Private Equity & Venture Capital professionals gather at one of the beautiful Baltic cities, discuss industry developments and cooperation, network and enjoy summer & various activities together. LVCA is very excited to be the host of Baltic VC Summit 2018 and to welcome VC and PE managers, investors and consultants in Riga on the 23rd of August.
The Polish & CEE Private Equity Conference provides unrivalled networking opportunities in the CEE private equity market. On 22nd February 2018, meet over 60 LPs, 80 GPs and 40 CxOs at the InterContinental Hotel in Warsaw.
Livonia Partners to acquire Santa Monica Networks in Latvia and Lithuania together with management
Livonia Partners, a pan-Baltic private equity firm, and Santa Monica Networks management, agreed to acquire Santa Monica Networks Latvia and Santa Monica Networks Lithuania, leading providers of network and IT security solutions in the Baltic region, from Santa Monica Networks Group. In a related transaction, Elisa Corporation of Finland has entered into an agreement to acquire Santa Monica Networks companies in Finland and Estonia.
BaltCap acquires majority in TREV-2
BaltCap increased its ownership in TREV-2, the leading Estonian infrastructure construction company by acquiring an additional 38% stake from East Capital Explorer AB for €5.7 million. BaltCap’s total ownership after the acquisition reached 75%.
The Baltic venture capital market will be united under a single flag
Pan-Baltic Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (Pan-Baltic VCA) was founded on August 25th at the meeting of the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian private equity and venture capital associations with the aim to develop an attractive and viable regional ecosystem of the venture capital for the fund managers and investors.