Baltic PE/VC Market Overview 2023 is now available!

KPMG Baltics Deals team and the Baltic VCAs are honoured to present the Baltic Private Equity and Venture Capital Market Overview 2023. The report has been prepared for the fifth year running, previously with Deloitte and now for the second year with KPMG Baltics.

Even though on a global scale 2023 will be remembered as a challenging year for the PE/VC space, the Baltic region showed strong resilience. 


Baltic PE/VC Market Highlights

  • 3.4B EUR raised since 2010 
  • 778M EUR raised in 2023
  • 1.6B EUR dry powder as of the end of 2023
  • 297 Deals involving Baltic companies in 2023
  • 239M EUR amount invested into Baltic companies in 2023
  • 147 investments outside of the Baltics in 2023
  • 95M EUR outbound investments in 2023
  • 101 active funds as of the end of 2023


 View the full report here:

 Webinar recording from the report launch - click HERE