Info / Documents
What is risk capital?
What is venture capital?
Generally speaking, venture capital is long-term investment into an enterprise’s unlisted equity or provision of equity related loan with the purpose of supporting its rapid growth and development.
Who are risk capital investors?
You have probably heard about individuals, private equity or venture capital funds that are ready to invest in promising business opportunities on condition that an enterprise carrying this business meets certain requirements.
Compare risk capital to other financing sources
How to attract risk capital to my business?
Risk capital investors receive many proposals from different kinds of businesses to invest, but it is true that only several of them are actually financed. Investors are keen to select enterprises whose management has clear goals, thoroughly prepared realistic cash flow projection, carefully developed business plan and good communication and interaction skills.
Riks capital investment step by step
If you finally considered obtaining risk capital financing then you have to make thorough preparation before addressing the potential investor.
Venture Capital & Private Equity
Kas ir iespējkapitāls (iepriekš saukts par riska kapitālu)? (video)
Kas ir iespējkapitāls (iepriekš saukts par riska kapitālu)?
Jānis Janevics, Imprimatur Capital
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Forms and other documents
Market overview of the Baltic Private Equity and Venture Capital 2018-2023
Market overview of the Baltic Private Equity and Venture Capital 2018-2022 has been prepared. KMPG together with all the Baltic private equity and venture capital associations have prepared a market report that provides a detailed analysis of Private Equity and Venture Capital Funds operating in the Baltic States, their capital raised, investments and Divestments.
Thanks to all the funds that participated in the survey and KPMG for creating the market overview.
Informative videos
How private equity works
What is private equity and how does it help companies?
A Journey Through Latvia
Webinar "Iespējkapitāla finansējums uzņēmumiem jeb kā piesaistīt gudro naudu"
Innovation Breakfast 2023
Vebinārs: Pelnīt ar pasīviem ieguldījumiem jaunuzņēmumos caur iespējkapitāla fondiem? Kā?
Blue Bridge Technologies / Vebinārs 2024
Vebinārā iespējams uzzināt par to, kā Blue Bridge Technologies kļūt par Latvijas medicīnas nozarē vadošo programmatūras izstrādātāju.
Blue Bridge Technologies ir jaunuzņēmums, kas saņēma Imprimatur sēklas fonda atbalstu un vēlāk attīstīts ar Imprimatur un BaltCap kopīgiem spēkiem. 2022.gadā šo - toreiz jau Latvijas medicīnas nozarē vadošo programmatūras izstrādātāju - iegādājās Everfield.
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