Training for Latvian AIF managers on ESG issues

18.06.2024 09:00
Riga (map)
Happy to share that with knowledge of PwC Latvija experts and financial support of Ekonomikas ministrija/ Ministry of Economics we will provide training for Latvian alternative investment funds (AIF) managers on ESG issues.

Happy to share that with knowledge of PwC Latvija experts and financial support of Ekonomikas ministrija/ Ministry of Economics we will provide training for Latvian alternative investment funds (AIF) managers on ESG issues.


The training will take place on 18 June in Riga at conference room in Verde complex, and will be full day.
This training is open to all Latvian AIF managers and those aspiring to become one.

Lecturers for this day: 

Maija Orbidāne - PwC Latvia Senior Manager:ESG practice lead

Michael Horvath - PwC Luxembourg Lead Partner: Regulatory and sustainability expert

Daniel Theobald - PwC Luxembourg Director: Banking, Capital Markets & ESG expert


As well as experts in the field will kindly share their experience:

Kristiina Lunnas - ESG Director, Inventure

 Registration is closed. More information will follow.