LBO Modelling

30.11.2023 08:20
online (map)
This two-day LBO modelling course will focus on how to build and develop a fully integrated LBO-model in excel and the typical financing instruments being used in LBO transactions. The following topics will be covered:
  • Introduction to LBOs
  • Sources, uses, and post-closing balance sheet
  • LBO debt financing (senior debt, subordinated debt, financial covenants, sweep payments, debt pushdown etc)
  • LBO equity financing (pref. shares, shareholder loans, ordinary shares, management participations, envy etc.)
  • Exit valuation (multiples, waterfall, sweet equity)
  • Return analysis (IRR, MM and exit envy ratios)
  • How it all links together

Throughout the training, the theory will be illustrated by a case study where participants will build an LBO model in excel. To enhance interaction, we will only accept a limited number of participants.


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