Ziņojuma par Batijas Privātā un Riska kapitāla tirgu 2021 prezentācija

17.05.2022 15:00
17.maijā notiks ikgadējā ziņojuma par Batijas Privātā un Riska kapitāla tirgu prezentācija. Ziņojumu arī šogad sagatavoja Deloitte sadarbībā ar visu Baltijas valstu Privātā un Riska kapitāla asociācijām.

Despite the unprecedented situation in Europe, we will launch our annual Baltic Private Equity and Venture Capital Market Overview and would like to invite you to join the free webinar on 17 May at 15:00 EET so we can share the results of the report. 

As previously, Deloitte has prepared the report in cooperation with the Private and Venture Capital Associations of all the Baltic States and it will be presented by Jānis Dzenis, Assistant Director at Deloitte, Corporate Finance department.

After the presentation panel discussion will be held about the results and future forecasts for Baltic PE/VC market. Meet our panelists: 

Event will be moderated by Jānis Dzenis, Assistant Director at Deloitte, Corporate Finance department.

Webinar will be held on ZOOM. It will be recorded and available on the LVCA, EstVCA and LtVCA  websites.  

Please register here and we will send you the link for participation!