Invest Europe online training: Foundation in Finance & Administration

20.10.2020 08:00
Introduces key topics of fund administration to back office personnel, including fund accounting, fund structuring, valuations, regulations, reporting and performance.

What is it?

The course aims to introduce junior back office personnel to the key aspects of managing a private equity back office. Invest Europe Professional Standards form a basic part of this course as they are a vital component of aligning business practices and investor relations.  

The Foundation in Finance and Administration programme will cover the following topics:

  • Accounting for private equity and venture capital
  • Fund structures, terms & operations
  • International Private Equity and Venture Capital (IPEV) Valuation Guidelines
  • Investor Reporting Guidelines
  • Invest Europe's Handbook of Professional Standards
  • Benchmarking private equity performance
  • AIFM Directive Update

Why should you attend?

Participants will get an overview of the roles and responsibilities of a private equity fund's back office personnel, best practices in operating a back office, efficient reporting and the use of Invest Europe Professional Standards.  

Who should attend?

This course is open to junior accountants, controllers and fund administrators wishing to improve their knowledge and capabilities within private equity and venture capital.

Online delivery

To accommodate our members, Invest Europe has decided to hold the 2020 edition of this course as online training. The online course edition is being designed with the same key elements that are valued by our course participants – excellent content and speakers, and interactive group discussions. The updated course structure and format will accommodate online delivery, with shorter sessions and ample audience engagement.


More information:
