100 biggest tech CEE companies webinar for CEE region with Q&A Inbox

10.03.2023 12:00
ONLINE (karte)
We are delighted to invite you to the meeting organized together with the digitalpoland foundation devoted to Digital Champions CEE 2022 ranking, which presents the 100 largest tech companies in our region.

During the meeting, we will be attended by:

  • Piotr Mieczkowski, managing director at Digital Poland Foundation who, will present the latest version of the ranking (goal, methodology, and key conclusions)
  • Two CEE champions representatives that will talk about scaling the CEE champions

Our colleagues/funds from the region, e.g., Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary or Poland, will participate in this closed meeting.


The purpose of the meeting is

  • To present the last ranking and the idea behind the report
  • Integrate the CEE region representatives
  • Presentation of a sample champion that will succeed in the region

The meeting will take place on 10th March 2023 at 12pm Riga time (11am CET). It will be held over Zoom and will last 45 minutes. We will send out a link to the webinar shortly.



Link to registration - https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TwftxQiXSwSIJhD2fh5fgQ